Updating sunvox-dll-python

This is a loose collection of notes for maintaining releases of sunvox-dll-python and uploading them to the Python Package Index (PyPI).

After new releases of SunVox library

  1. Copy libraries from the SunVox library distribution, e.g.: cd sunvox/lib; ./copy-libs.sh ../../../sunvox_lib

  2. Change sunvox/dll.py to add, change, or remove any functions, based on changes in sunvox.h in the SunVox library itself.

  3. Change sunvox/slot.py to mirror any changes made to sunvox/dll.py.

  4. Update sunvox/__init__.py:__version__ to match the new SunVox version.

    The format of the version is <python-wrapper-version>.<sunvox-library-version>, where <python-wrapper-version> is <major>.<minor>.<patch>, and <sunvox-version> is the four-segment representation of the SunVox version. (For example, 1.9.6b is

    If changes were made to how the Python wrapper works, bump <python-wrapper-version> accordingly. If changes only reflect SunVox library changes, bump only the patch number.

  5. Update CHANGELOG.rst.

Prep for PyPI and test

$ devpi login <username> --password=<password>
$ rm -v dist/*
$ poetry build
$ devpi upload dist/*
$ virtualenv testenv
$ cd testenv
$ . bin/activate
$ devpi install sunvox-dll-python
$ python
>>> import sunvox
>>> sunvox.__version__
>>> from sunvox.api import init
>>> hex(init(None, 44100, 2, 0))
>>> ^D
$ deactivate
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf testenv

Upload to PyPI

$ git tag <full-version-number>
$ git push --tags
$ twine upload dist/*
$ rm -v dist/*